Friday 2 October 2009

University of East Anglia (UEA) and Norwich

Gregory Rikowski, our youngest son, has just started studying for a degree in Film and Television Studies at the University of East Anglia. Glenn, Gregory and I all went up there about 10 days ago, to take his things up and settle him in. Then, Glenn and I went off on our own, to look round the campus and Norwich itself. It was all very lovely, very moving and very special for us. ‘Why was that’, one might well ask? Well, Glenn and I met there as undergraduates, way back in 1975, both studying for Social Studies degrees. Glenn majored in Philosophy, whilst I majored in Sociology. UEA helped us to learn to think critically and clearly; and we also had a wonderful time there.

Like us, Gregory fell in love with the place, when he went there on Open Day. We are sure that he will have a great time there.

We took lots of photos whilst we were there – here are a few of them. Quite a lot of building work has been taking place on the campus since we were there; but it has all been done very tastefully, we think.

All this prompted me to go to a UEA Reunion this week that was held at Moorgate, London, organised by UEA Alumni (unfortunately, Glenn was not able to go) It was wonderful. Brought back all those memories, of how lovely, lively and enthusiastic the UEA students and people are and how and why UEA is, and always will be, so special for us. Two people I spoke to had even bought properties in Norwich - they loved it so much. We plan to go to some other UEA Alumni events together in the future and of course, we will be going back and forth to Norwich and UEA again much more now.

Long may all this continue!

Student Accommodation at UEA

Glenn and I outside the Assembly Rooms in Norwich

Me at the Central Library in Norwich (the old library got burnt down). We could not resist taking this photo!

Elm Hill, Norwich City Centre

Norwich City Centre

Victorian Gardens, Norwich

Earlhan Hall, UEA

Glenn on UEA campus - there is lots of grass all around the campus, and a lovely lake.

Gregory in his room (just arrived!).

Me on Norfolk Terrace (student accommodation) walkway, UEA Campus

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